
Streamline Your Ad Campaigns


Streamline Your Ad Campaigns

Creating and managing effective advertising campaigns can be a daunting task, but with our Campaigns app, it's never been easier. Our app provides a comprehensive suite of tools that enable users to create, edit, and manage their campaigns with ease, ensuring that they get the best possible results from their advertising efforts.

Bidding Strategy

Create customized campaigns that meet your goals

Our Campaigns app allows users to set the perfect campaign strategy by defining the bid price and budget, start date & end date for each campaign. Users can easily create and customize their campaigns to meet their specific advertising goals and budgetary constraints.

  • Define camapaign strategy

  • Set bid price, budget, start date, and end date quickly

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Bidding Strategy

Campaign Estimation

Estimate campaign results before launch

With our Campaigns app, users can easily estimate the potential results of their campaigns before launching them. By inputting their targeting options and budget, users can get an estimate of the expected impressions, and reach for their campaigns, allowing them to make informed decisions about their advertising strategies.

  • Estimate impressions and reach for campaigns

  • Make informed decisions about advertising strategies

  • Easily optimize campaigns for better results

Campaign Estimation

Location Targeting (Geo-fencing and Geo-farming)

Target the right audience at the right place

Our Campaigns app offers location targeting options such as geo-fencing and geo-farming. With geo-fencing, users can target specific geographic areas, such as a city, a zip code, or even a specific building in real-time. Geo-farming, on the other hand, allows users to target users based on their location visitation behavior.

  • Target specific locations in real-time

  • Target users based on location visitation behavior

  • Target right audience at the right time

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Location Targeting (Geo-fencing and Geo-farming)

Top apps work with Campaigns

Contextual Targeting

Target users based on online content consumption

Our Campaigns app provides contextual targeting, allowing users to target their campaigns based on the context of the content being viewed by the user. This type of targeting ensures that the ad is relevant to the user's interests, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions. Users can select specific keywords or URLs to ensure that they target the right audience.

  • Target based on keyword or URLs

  • Increase chances of engagement and conversions

Contextual Targeting

Audience Targeting

Target the right audience with precision for higher conversions

Our Campaigns app offers audience targeting, which enables users to target specific groups of users based on demographics, interests, or behaviors. Users can select from a range of targeting options, such as age, gender, income, education level, and more, to ensure that their campaigns are seen by the right people. This type of targeting ensures that the campaigns are highly relevant to the audience, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

  • 7 types of different audience targeting

  • Choose from a range of demographic and interest options for Segmented Audience

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Audience Targeting

Device Targeting

Target right audiences on right devices

Our Campaigns app provides device targeting, allowing users to target specific devices, carrier, OS, channels, IP addresses, etc.. This type of targeting ensures that the campaign is displayed only to users using specific devices.

  • Target specific devices, carriers, OS, etc.

  • Improve campaign performance.

Device Targeting

Inventory Targeting

Target relevant inventory for maximum ROI

Our Campaigns app also offers inventory targeting, which enables users to target specific ad inventory. Users can select from a range of inventory targeting options, such as specific websites or apps, to ensure that their campaigns are displayed only on the most relevant inventory. This type of targeting ensures that the campaigns are highly relevant to the audience, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

  • Target specific ad inventory such as websites and apps

  • Create inventory groups

  • Blocklist unwanted inventory

Inventory Targeting

Demography Targeting

Target right users based on their demographies

Our Campaigns app offers demography targeting, which enables users to target specific demographic groups such as age, gender, income level, education level, and more. This type of targeting ensures that the campaigns are highly relevant to the audience, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

  • Demographic targeting for precise campaign reach

  • Target audience based on age, gender, income, and more

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Demography Targeting

Creative Selection

Effortlessly upload and select compelling creatives for your campaign

Our app makes it easy for users to select the right creatives for their campaigns. With our intuitive interface, users can quickly browse and select from a range of creative options to find the ones that best match their advertising goals and target audience.

  • Intuitive interface for easy creative uploading and selection

  • Wide range of creative types to choose from

  • Enables targeting specific audience with right creatives

Creative Selection


Flexible campaign creation and edition

One of the key advantages of our Campaigns app is its customizability. Users can easily create campaigns, check estimations and save them. Users can resume their journey from exactly the same spot they left before.

  • Create customizable campaigns quickly and easily

  • Save and resume campaigns from where you left off

  • Check estimations before launching the campaign

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